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Bible Study 3/19/2024

This list may seem like a lot but it is just about a half an hour of total reading.  Reading thru or 
even glossing thru will give you a better understanding of the subject and focus of the lesson.

Reading the scriptures and attending the lesson will definitely pique your curiosity and prayer-
fully give you cause to go back, re-read and look for a deeper understanding.  This lesson will
take a couple of sessions and many questions should arise will take some time to understand. 

If you are unable to complete all of the reading PLEASE STILL ATTEND / TUNE IN, TAKE NOTES

No question is a dumb question or trivial !!  ..... May the Lord watch between me and thee while
we are absent one from the other.  In Jesus name we pray

See you Tuesday - Lord willing !! 

Praise the Lord, here are the scriptures for Bible Study Lord willing 3/19/2024. 

Exodus 1 
Leviticus 8 
Ephesians 4:11 
Psalms 111:9 
Galatians 3 :19 – 29
Deuteronomy 4:2 – 4
Revelations 22 : 16 - 21

  Prayerfully we will see you at 7pm Video call link:


  1. Genesis Chapter 45 verses 1 - 28 - be familiar with Abraham, Isaac and Joseph
  2. Exodus Chapter 1 ​- The names of the Children of Israel
  3. Exodus Chapter 2 - The birth and early years of Moses
  4. Exodus Chapter 21 - 25 - The Mosiac Law ( just be familiar )
  5. Deuteronomy Chapter 33 - 34 - be familiar with the death of Moses and the ascension of Joshua
  6. Exodus Chapters 28 & 29 - be familiar with the institution of the office of the Priesthood.