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Does the Bible contradict itself?

Discussed scriptures from the Bible in which some people may interpret as a contradiction. But as we know, there are no contradictions in the Bible.

Is Your Repentance For real?

When asking God for forgiveness, do you fully commit to change your ways?

Is that an excuse?!

Identified unintentional things in our lives that may be blocking our blessings.  

How has Satan caused confusion?

Discussed tools that Satan uses to distract and deter us from following after God.

Be sure to commit to memory the Books of the Old testament.  You might be called on at any time to recite them.

On July 2nd 2024, we discussed the following questions and Topics.  Next Study session by the help of the Lord, we hope to see  you !! 

Question: If people are being lead by the spirit like they say, why are there so many varying beliefs?

Question: Is possessing a gun a sin?

Question: Is killing someone more of a sin than a little lie?

Question: Is an abomination a sin? 

 Question: Suppose someone is trying to kill, and you are pinned and use the gun to not intentionally kill and you kill them?

Elder: In the moment, would you have the ability to make the distinction of stopping the person and not kill them?

What did Jesus say while he was on the cross?

Question: why was it pressing to kill Jesus? 

Topic: Weapons of our warfare are not carnal 

(Next session to revisit Romans 12:2)To revisit

 Question: How do you summarize the focuses of the New Testament?
Salvation, Faith, Love, Obedience