Bishop K.R. Owens

We just want to take this time to give honor to our dear Bishop Owens and to the True Tabernacle Church of Jesus Christ family in Wilmington, Delaware! We want to keep the Owens family and church family in our prayers during this difficult time. We pray and we ask everyone to pray that God provides the family encouragement, comfort, and peace.

Bishop Owens, originally from Jamaica, followed the Lord's calling in migrating him and his family to the United States at a young age. Once in the States, Bishop resided in Connecticut where he heard the true gospel. Not long after, he grew up in the Apostolic Faith, being baptized in Jesus name and receiving the precious gift of the HolyGhost, and becoming a Minister under the leadership of Elder R.C. Lawson. There he met a plethora of Brothers in Christ. After the ordination to Elder, it was then that he moved down to Wilmington, Delaware where God blessed him and his wife with the home they prayed for and they continued raising their 7 children. Bishop Owens then founded and pastored True Tabernacle Church of Jesus Christ.

We take this time to give tribute to him because he was like a father and grandfather to The BibleWay Church of Christ family. Like the song Bishop Owens so often sang:

Yes I'm overshadowed by his boundless love,

And I have protection from the Lord above,

Jesus walks beside me, every passing day,

And I know he'll guide me, he will guide me all the way.

We pray that God continues to extend his love, grace, and mercy to all his loved ones and church loved ones. And that God will continue to guide each and every one according to his will and his way. God allowed Bishop Owens to live to be in his late 90's and during his lifetime, we witnessed many moves of God over Bishop.

Bishop Owens was a great man of God that preached the WORD! He believed in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and nothing less. Bishop has touched many lives, encouraged many people, and prayed for and with everyone. We humbly ask again that you join us in prayer for the Owens family and the True Tabernacle family!