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Is God your Father?

Discussed the use of the term "Father" spiritually vs. naturally. Below are the scriptures that were read and discussed:

Matthew 16:19
Matthew 23:8-9
Acts 15:19-21
1 Corinthians 3:6-7
1 Corinthians 4:15-17
1 Corinthians 10:32 - 11:3
1 Timothy 2:5

(1,2,...,7) Dispensation of...

Discussed the seven (7) dispensations of the Bible. Identified the dispensation we are currently in and who the dispensation was given unto.

What are the 7 dispensations?

1. Innocence
2. Cons​​cience
3. Human Government
4. Promise
5. Law 
6. Grace of God (Currently present)
7. Millennial (Yet to come) 

What's the difference?

Discussed differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament.