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On June 25th our Bible Study and discussion covered the following Topics and Questions

Question: Which books were not included in the Bible and also later omitted ?

Which books did Martin Luther want to omit and or delete? 

Question: Who were the other two thieves that was nailed on the cross next to Jesus? 

Question: Why do you think certain books were not included?

Question: Who made the decision as to what books would be included in the King James Version of the Bible?

Question: Do you believe that we will be held accountable by God for the books omitted?

Question: How do you summarize the focuses of the New Testament?

Salvation, Faith, Love, Obedience --- Answer (Topic to be discussed further)

What does it mean to be conformed to the things of this world? 

Homework: Ways that we may be conformed to things of this world.

: What is your response to having a supervisor that instructs you to call them their sex that they changed. (Topic to be discussed further)

(Marco) Mathew 5:25 – explanation of verse

Question:  is possessing a gun a sin?

 Question: Is it a sin if you shoot a person in self defense?

Wonderful discussion with a keypoint and assignment

Topic: Be not conformed to this world

We are discussing
the Law and the Doctrine
of the Apostles

We are working our way through the Law of Moses and how it parallels and differs from the Apostles Doctrine