Greetings in the precious name of Jesus

The BibleWay Church of Christ is an Independent Organization founded and operating under the principles and doctrines of Jesus Christ. We believe in the fundamentals of Christianity and hold firmly to the faith and Doctrine of his handpicked and consecrated Apostles. We do not generally subscribe to the more Progressive teachings of non-denominationalism or teachings that veer away from the doctrine that Jesus taught his disciples. We maintain that Jesus is the Father, Jesus is the son, Jesus is the Holy Ghost.  We do not believe in the philosophy of the trinity.  We hold fast to the fact that in him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

Rightly dividing the word 

The word of God comes down to this present day from Moses to the Apostle Paul and the other Apostles.  Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt to the brim of the promised land.  He preached the word and gave the children of Israel the Law as God gave it to him.  God led Moses and communed with him frequently.  The Law that he gave unto Moses was for the children of Israel yet was the basis of the doctrine that he taught and instilled into his Holy Apostles.  God sent his son Jesus who was God in the flesh to give his life, shed his blood for the remission of sin, for all mankind, not just the children of Israel.  Jesus was born, he died and was resurrected so that we could all be saved.  He taught his disciples that we must first repent, be baptized and be born again of water and spirit. We, mankind, as we do, have convoluted the very simple concept of salvation with man made teachings, doctrines and philosophies. The ministry of the BibleWay Church of Christ is to preach / teach / live Christ not prosperity, vanity, philosophy, Idolatry, inhumanity or Infidelity.  We aim to bring Christ to the hearts and minds of those who really do want to Love, know and serve God in the beauty of Holiness.

Weekly Bible Study 

Please Join us for our Tuesday night Bible study.  We will go into the Word of God expounding and explaining the very principles and foundation of the Ministry of Jesus Christ.  We will teach and explain the Word of God from the beginning up until this present day.  
To receive your Virtual invitation, please use the form below to send us your email address.  You do not have to turn on your camera or actively participate, you can just sit listen and be blessed.  Your courtesy to others is appreciated. 

 We want to hear from you

Join our Bible Study

Praise the Lord, We are glad you visited with us and we
pray that you were encouraged in some way.  Please fill out the form to receive an invitation to our weekly Bible Study.  Bring your Bibles and anything you need to take notes.  We will begin promptly at 7pm, but feel free to join in as your time permits. 

Please stop and visit as we update our website weekly.  God Bless and Peace be unto you.

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BWCOC News Highlight